The value of the Waterharmonica for Waternet

Waternet head office, Amsterdam

24 april 2009,  12.00 - 15.30



STP Empuriabrava and constructed wetland  

On 6 February 2009 SenterNovem, an agency of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs for sustainable development and innovation announced the results of the first tender “Innovation program European Water Frame Work”. This program aims on practice oriented demonstration and research projects. In this tender a large part of the approved projects is on closing the nutrient cycle in general and on Waterharmonica projects particular. To celibrate this, Waternet, the first “Watercycle company” in the Netherlands organized a workshop

Organised by Ruud Kampf and Joost Kappelhof, Waternet, Amsterdam

click below for the pdf's of the presentations, pdf's will open in separate windows

1. Opening

2 . The need for innovation in the watercycle 3.  Wastewater reclamation and reuse in Costa Brava (1989-2009)
Ruud Kampf, Waternet


Jan Peter van der Hoek, Waternet Lluis Sala, Consorci de la Costa Brava



4. The Waterharmonica in Costa Brava Empuriabrava and Aiguamolls National Park

5. Aqualân Grou


6. SenterNovem project: Wetterlannen


Lluis Sala, Consorci de la Costa  Brava


Sybren Gerbens, Wetterskip Fryslân Sybren Gerbens, Wetterskip Fryslân
7. SenterNovem project: Waterharmonica Soerendonk


8. SenterNovem project Kristalbad


9. Overview of ongoing research projects:

 collaboration projects of Waternet

Oscar van Zanten, De Dommel Rikus Limbeek, Regge en Dinkel Joost Kappelhof, Waternet


 Discussion: ‘value of wetlands and what can we learn from the Spanish approach?’

followed by drinks and and food


zip-file with all presentations (10 Mb)